

organization of classroom supplies

"A place for everything, and everything in its place." An organized teacher makes for a happy classroom. What's your motto?

The lovely Stephanie Moorman encouraged her readers to share our best organizational tip. Hop on over to her blog to check out how she keeps up with who has turned in completed work and who is still in progress. Simple and brilliant!

Between math manipulatives and classroom supplies, I have lots of pieces to keep up with on a daily basis. It's crucial that I know what materials my class has available and exactly where they are located.
need for structure + my love for totes = organization of classroom supplies

These 12 totes contain the supplies that my students need for classroom activities each day. The totes for small items also contain a plastic candy store bin for extra organization. The supply storage sits on the counter at the back of the room.

I have a similar system with red totes and a black five-shelf bookcase behind my desk for math manipulatives. The only difference...the totes are labeled but not the shelves.

So how do you organize classroom supplies? By item in a general location? Or grouped into a team supply container?

I'll be back soon with more posts for my classroom tour!
Have a fabulous weekend...make it count!


  1. Hey,
    Very good blog post I love your site keep up the great posts.

    Organic potting soil

  2. I love your supply organization! I have to participate in this linky party this weekend :)
    To The Square Inch

    1. Thanks, Kate! I'll be sure to hop over and spy your post in the linky party. :)

  3. Thanks for adding your article to my blog hop on all things "organizational"..... looks like you've got a grip and glad you are willing to share your insight!!

    Debbie Clement

    1. Thanks, Debbie! I appreciate your willingness to host a blog hop for us to spy new ideas on organization. Happy Summer to YOU!

  4. Anonymous4/22/2013

    Unbelievable job mates, I enjoy going through your articles.
    educational supplies

  5. Anonymous11/21/2014

    This is one of the most important blogs that I have seen, keep it up!
