

staff development for math

It's official.
My students are finished with standardized testing.
I still have two days of proctoring in May.
But that's just to help our algebra teacher...
No pressure for me!

Now I will be able to return to our regularly scheduled program.
I'm so ready to finish the last five weeks of school!
This is the time of year that I start planning for next year.
It's always fun to reflect on the big changes I want to implement with a clean start.

Some of the changes I'm dreaming about are dependent upon grant results.
But one guarantee is increasing my use of LTF lessons.
Laying the Foundation is absolutely genius!
The basic premise is taking AP Calculus and AP Statistics problems and back mapping through 6th grade.
It's not just for advanced students...these strategies are appropriate for all math students!
Tomorrow is my last day of training in Year 3.
Check back tomorrow to spy my new favorite LTF lesson...

Have a great week...make it count!


  1. Hi Lisa:

    I thought of you when I posted about algebra today...

    Congrats on finishing testing!

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

    1. Thanks, Kim! Love your algebra post! We math girlies have to stick together. :)

  2. Glad your testing is done! That sounds like some really interesting and worthwhile staff development.

    1. Hope you're finished with testing too! We are counting down to summer. :) LTF stretches my students in a way that I haven't thought of on my is nice to find a valuable staff development that our district supports from beginning to end.
