

teacher appreciation jackpot

I am super excited to participate in the first Teacher Appreciation Jackpot! Sunday, May 6th is sure to be your lucky day! The Jackpot is an amazing "blog hop" event involving over 130 bloggers!

We wanted to show our appreciation for you in a BIG way, so we're all going to give away one of our TeachersPayTeachers products for free on that day! Each free gift will be valued between $3 and $8, so the total jackpot amount is estimated to be over $500! We'll post the actual amount on Saturday, May 5th.

Because so many bloggers are participating, this event will be divided into three grade level groups. Each of those smaller events is being coordinated by one blogger as shown below:

I have selected my customer favorite as a freebie for one day only. Be sure to click on the image below to download this lesson bundle for free.
{ETA: The Teacher Appreciation Jackpot has ended. Thanks so much to everyone who joined in on the fun! Be sure to continue shopping through Tuesday, May 8th for sale items.}

Scroll to the end of this blog post to spy the fabulous grades 7-12 participants.
Remember to hop over to my TeachersPayTeachers store and shop because TeachersPayTeachers is throwing a huge "TpT Loves You" Teacher Appreciation Week Sale for three days. TpT is offering ten percent off when you use the promo code TAD12 and all of my math games will be an additional fifteen percent off.

Thanks so much for all you do!
We appreciate your commitment to your students and your dedication as an educator!


  1. Thanks for linking up Lisa!

  2. Oooohhh, I'm so excited you'll be linking up! :-) How about the Scale Drawings Lesson Plan as a possible option, Lisa? Thanks for participating ... can't wait to see what others suggest!

    1. Great suggestion! It's been my customer fave for three weeks straight. :)

  3. Anonymous5/07/2012

    Hi Lisa-

    It seems the FREEBIE giveaway ended early? It's 11:19 pm PST here in CA and I am unable to download the Scale Drawing lesson plan. Can you send it to me please? Thanks!

    Donna (
