

the heart and soul of a teacher

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week to YOU!
Q: So what do you think melts a teacher's heart?
  • a sweet compliment from a student, parent, or colleague
  • a lunch that doesn't require standing in the microwave line in the lounge
  • time provided for effective staff development that directly impacts student learning
  • new tools for their classroom
A: ALL of the above! :)
My school celebrated this festive teacher holiday last week. We started with student notes organized by our Student Council. I treasure every tiny slip of purple paper with comments from my students. And I can't even begin to describe the amazing event our PTO showcased. Not one...but TWO catered lunches! A day of chocolate a teacher who doesn't love chocolate?!? A "You're a Rock Star!" cupcake with a $5 Sonic gift card. Plus a gift bag of fun stuff for each and every teacher. Oh...and did I mention the random drawings for gift cards on the daily announcements? Drawings. Plural. As in 8 drawings each day! I know. They spoil us rotten!

In the midst of the fun, I was able to attend an excellent staff development from ExploreLearning. Karen Lyons came in from New Jersey to get us organized. I'm so thankful for her and the expertise she shared. I learned much as I realized I have not been using this tool to its fullest potential. The interactive simulations they offer will be the perfect complement to my LTF lessons! And by the gracious grant gift from my school district I will not be standing in line to reserve the computer lab to make this a reality. My students will be enrolled in my 1:1 technology classroom for the next school year.

The blessings abound and the fun continues in these final days of our school year. So it's official...this teacher's heart is melting!

I hope you have a fabulous week and feel appreciated for all the awesome work you do with students day after day. Make it count!
