We worked on Venn diagrams today...specifically to compare and contrast different polygons. I still want to adapt Kate's super creative foldables to this lesson. Perhaps I can accomplish that in time for small group next week. We played Go Fish! in small group today. You should have been a fly on the wall...I love the math discussions that came from a simple card game!
And I'm super excited about tomorrow's lesson. We are building solids and then completing a viewing guide as a rotating station activity. Two years ago we built with marshmallows and straws. I know...call me crazy! No matter how hard we scrubbed, our desks were sticky for a week. LOL! Last year we used coffee stirrers and pipe cleaners...clean and sturdy! I'll try to grab a few photos tomorrow. ;)
Next week we will review the characteristics of geometric solids with this matching game...
My students traditionally struggle with problems like "name a pyramid with 5 faces" because they want to say pentagonal pyramid. We talk about subtracting the base from the total number of faces to determine the number of sides on the base itself...which determines the name (rectangular pyramid). Whew! I'm hoping this game helps connect the numerical process with the visual solid. I just loaded it to my TpT store. I'll keep you posted how it goes in the classroom.
Have a great week...make it count!