My students absolutely love to play games in math class! One of my students recently asked, "Do we play a game every single day?" When I told him "with the exception of test days," he decided our class was the coolest algebra class ever. (I didn't declare the obvious...that it was his only algebra class ever. Haha!)
My lesson plans integrate a math game into our MATHercise routine for the purpose of building fluency. I use 1 player games at the beginning of the year, but quickly progress to small group games with 3-6 players as the year continues.
My students' favorite math game is Go Fish! They love it because they get to go again when the make a set. :) I love it because the game improves their mathematical communication skills, and they complete a ton of problems in a short amount of time...great practice!
Click on the Exponental Functions preview above to download a FREE game from my TPT store.
This Go Fish! game allows students to practice matching functions displayed graphically, algebraically, numerically, and verbally. And a Go Fish! game is super easy for teachers to differentiate...just stack the deck strategically! ;)
Currently, I have a tie between my two most popular games available in my TPT store:
Stem-and-Leaf Plots Matching Game
Inequalities Go Fish Game
Check them out and let me know what you think. So what's your "go to" game for the math classroom?!? Any special content requests for the next game I create for my store?!?
This post is included in the Middle School Math Sunday Funday collaboration of posts from middle school math teachers!
organizational tips and tricks!
I will be sharing my filing system that eliminates the dreaded piles. :)
Have a great week...make it count!