This post is part of the BlogHer #NaBloPoMo challenge.
Day 4 Prompt: At what time of day do you feel the most energetic and productive?
Hmmm...considering I'm writing this post at 12:41 am...I would have to be truthful and say I'm a night owl. Haha! But I am too old to pull late nights very often and still be productive day after day. So based on the conditions of my teaching job, I prefer to teach early in the morning and prep at the end of the school day.
But we're not here to talk about me! Let's ponder how to streamline the crazy amounts of energy my middle school algebra students maintain. And how do we set the stage so they can be productive from bell to bell?
I have a one word solution: CHUNKING!
Our lessons may feel very choppy to a random guest, but chunking our routines into 12-15 minute tasks allows my students to stay focused and maintain productivity. This means we participate in five or six activites each day. Here's our typical routine...
Although we follow the same basic routine each day, each piece varies from lesson to lesson. The the variety maintains energy and the routine yields productivity.
What does a typical day in your classroom look like to an outsider? Do you use some form of chunking? And what's your secret to increasing productivity? Inquiring minds want to know...please do share!
Happy Friday to YOU!
Enjoy your weekend...make it count!