This school year has been a speedy one in the Tilmon house!
I know.
I have been a terrible blogger.
Let me be completely honest...this not being in the classroom thing can really mess with the blogger mindset. But I have so many things I want to document from my teaching experience last year and my staff development adventure this year. So this blog is about to become my outlet for organizing all of the math stuff that swirls around in my head moment by moment. Consider that your fair warning. ;) For now it is time to link up with Farley's "Currently" Party over at Oh Boy Fourth Grade. Come join the fun!
This school year has been a speedy one in the Tilmon house!
I know.
I have been a terrible blogger.
Let me be completely honest...this not being in the classroom thing can really mess with the blogger mindset. But I have so many things I want to document from my teaching experience last year and my staff development adventure this year. So this blog is about to become my outlet for organizing all of the math stuff that swirls around in my head moment by moment. Consider that your fair warning. ;) For now it is time to link up with Farley's "Currently" Party over at Oh Boy Fourth Grade. Come join the fun!
I do have the background noise of the dishwasher in the kitchen and the dryer in the laundry room. But Iris overpowers both of those soft noises. :) Our neighbor's dog only barks twice a day. Seriously. She loves to welcome each morning with a barking affair. And luckily she is not an early riser!
California has introduced our family to "late start" Wednesdays. And we are huge fans! The teachers have faculty meetings, professional development, and tutoring on a rotating basis during those non-student hours each week. Creative scheduling is much easier with neighborhood schools and public transportation.
Thinking and Wanting...
Spring Break is next week! And that means only two more days of school until the festivities begin. Well...festivities may be a bit of an exaggeration...but we are definitely looking forward to a little Disneyland and a lazy day at the beach. However I still find myself dreaming of a surprise vacation...to somewhere...anywhere...that is an all-inclusive event that doesn't require me to do anything. Haha! A girl can dream, right?!?
But reality is that I really need to tackle the bathrooms today. I would much rather dive into my "to do" list of math goodness. That's my joy! Bathrooms. Not so much!
Hours and Last Day...
My hours revolve around the moments in between taking the girls to school each day. Emma starts later and finishes earlier than Taylor...so her schedule creates my window of opportunity. Although I'm not in a classroom this year, I have been facilitating math professional development twice a week via Skype. For more details, check out my previous Genius Hour for Teachers post. Our last scheduled Skype session is May 7. But the Tilmon house will be in the school swing until June 6...that three-week break at Christmas makes for a late dismissal.
So what are you up to these days?!? Will you be chatting with me about math and curriculum as we march into summer?!? Whatever today brings...make it count!