Our PLC is trying to transition to the Common Core State Standards. The state of Arkansas will fully implement grades 3-8 next year. So we are trying to teach a few lessons here and there to be ready. Here's one that I created for my classroom this past week.
My students entered my classroom spying furniture cards posted throughout the room. They were immediately intrigued. I told them we were going shopping! Our two-day lesson culminated with students creating a scale drawing of a bedroom from a house floor plan and selecting furniture to duplicate to their blueprint scale to decorate their room. Each team decided upon a scale that would work for their four bedrooms and created a team "house" poster to display their work.
Be sure to hop over to my store if you're interested in this lesson or other items I've created. I'm working on more Common Core State Standards projects as we speak...
Enjoy the rest of your weekend...and make it count!