Tuesday was filled long "to do" lists. Our department scrambled to get things organized for the fall. And our building work day ended with a luncheon. We said our farewells, enjoyed salads from Chili's, and finished evaluations.
And then my Algebra PLC buddy and I headed to her classroom. We joined another pair of teachers from the junior high across town. My new best friend?!? Common Core State Standards. Who else is with me? Are you spending time this summer working with CCSS? Math, literacy, or both?
We have worked 3.5 days and accomplished these details: Organized standards into units, created a sequence, outlined competencies per unit with aligned standards, and created a pacing guide for the year. Today we were able to dive into our first unit and determine the details for the questions we want on our assessment. And that's where we stopped this afternoon. We're hoping to pick up speed during the assessment writing process. Any helpful hints?!?
I'm super excited for a long holiday weekend!
Enjoy...make it count!