First there's the alarm clock. And then the lesson plans. Oh...and the students...who want to be at school, but equally want to still be on break. (Much like their teacher!) All the while we as teachers try to revive the procedures and routines that have been followed since throw in some new twists to accommodate for all we've learned. There's something about a new empty grade sheet...and transfer students galore...a fresh start can be quite motivating for all involved parties. And then we realize by Wednesday that our calendar deemed a full week upon return instead of a three-day week...and the last two days required challenges to not let our students feel like it was the longest week ever lived. I think we accomplished these goals. But my Saturday has been consumed with recovery, lesson planning, and snow day dreaming!
What have you been up to today?!? I know several of my Twitter buddies attended EdCampLA. Hope they all have a great first day back wih students on Monday!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend...make it count!