My 7th graders will be finishing their data display unit this week. We will complete a summary concept map and unit review on Monday with the Test A scheduled for Tuesday. I created an "I have... Who has..." game for our MATHercise tubs.
Click on the picture to find this game in my TpT store. This "I have... Who has..." game assesses student knowledge of interpreting data displays...specifically circle graphs, double line graphs, and scatterplots. We have Stem-and-Leaf Plots to Histograms and Box-and-Whisker Plots games to use in small group while we review this week. We have also been responding to journal prompts that compare and contrast different data displays. It's a lot of information...requires great attention to detail. Did I mention how glad I am that this unit is BEFORE Spring Break?!? LOL! you set aside time to review your students for state tests? We run a Benchmark Bootcamp in our classroom for two weeks prior to the BIG test. :) In a nutshell...we give our students a sample multiple choice test that covers all of our content standards. Then based upon their individual results, we set up a review system that concentrates in the areas that they need a refresher. It's awesome and crazy all at the same time! I still need to do the background work for my geometry students and their review time. Yikes!
Click on the picture to find this game in my TpT store. This "I have... Who has..." game assesses student knowledge of interpreting data displays...specifically circle graphs, double line graphs, and scatterplots. We have Stem-and-Leaf Plots to Histograms and Box-and-Whisker Plots games to use in small group while we review this week. We have also been responding to journal prompts that compare and contrast different data displays. It's a lot of information...requires great attention to detail. Did I mention how glad I am that this unit is BEFORE Spring Break?!? LOL! you set aside time to review your students for state tests? We run a Benchmark Bootcamp in our classroom for two weeks prior to the BIG test. :) In a nutshell...we give our students a sample multiple choice test that covers all of our content standards. Then based upon their individual results, we set up a review system that concentrates in the areas that they need a refresher. It's awesome and crazy all at the same time! I still need to do the background work for my geometry students and their review time. Yikes!
And meanwhile I'm also looking ahead to Pi Day! It's our last student contact day before Spring Break. Our math department ordered cute t-shirts from our high school math club last year. They have a different shirt this year. They say "I <3 PI"...think of the I heart New York designs. So for sure we will be decked out in Pi Day t-shirts on March 14th. Any fun plans in your math classroom?
Enjoy your weekend...make it count!
Enjoy your weekend...make it count!