Rachel Lynette is hosting a "Move to Learn" linky party about incorporating movement into the school day. Hop on over to her Minds in Bloom blog and join the party!
I'm thrilled to share one of my favorite activities to use when my students are reviewing for a unit test. In the structure Find Someone Who, students mix around the room to find a partner. The students ask their partners to explain a problem from their record sheet. The students record the responses, and the partners initial accurate answers. Students continue to find new partners until they complete the record sheet. Here's a sample of the Metric and Customary Measurement Find Someone Who record sheet we will complete during our unit review on Monday:
Click on the picture to download this FREE product from my TpT store.
This freebie is part of Manic Monday at Classroom Freebies...hop over and join the fun!

See you tomorrow for our regularly scheduled program...my classroom tour continued.
Have a great Friday...make it count!