Ordered Pairs + BINGO = PAIRO
(My sweet hubby created these bingo cards for me back in the day...like our dating days...ummm...over 15 years ago!)
Grab this fun game of plotting ordered pairs on a coordinate grid. This game packet includes 30 unique PAIRO cards! Click on the picture to find this product in my TpT store.
Common Core. Need I say more?
My PLC continues to divide and conquer.
We are searching high and low for discovery activities.
Or some sort of hands-on activities that align to our new standards.
Our goal is to engage our students in the content without handing every detail to them in advance.
Anyways, for now we are trying to focus on CCSS that are new to our grade level.
Our 7th graders will first be introduced to probability in our classroom.
From likely vs. unlikely all the way to compound events.
I created this theoretical vs. experimental probability lab activity...
Click on the picture to find this product in my TpT store.
My students love using the Twister game spinner! And it's amazing how the basics from this lab activity stick throughout our entire probability unit. I just love an activity that creates a reference point for future learning...how about you?
Kristen over at Secondary Solutions posed a question on facebook this morning: "Do you write along with your students?" She linked to an article by Marjorie Light on the Teacher to Teacher blog. I wonder if the environment of your classroom would change if you shared your own version of the poem below?!?
My students love using the Twister game spinner! And it's amazing how the basics from this lab activity stick throughout our entire probability unit. I just love an activity that creates a reference point for future learning...how about you?
Kristen over at Secondary Solutions posed a question on facebook this morning: "Do you write along with your students?" She linked to an article by Marjorie Light on the Teacher to Teacher blog. I wonder if the environment of your classroom would change if you shared your own version of the poem below?!?
Be sure to add the freebie to your probability file! This journal prompt allows for creativity and requires students (and teachers!) to put their knowledge in writing. Click on the picture to download.
Have a great week...make it count!