The super sweet Jena over at Caught in the Middle gave my blog a "Top 10" award this week. And I would like to share the love with my favorite places to visit.

Caught in the Middle
I have decided Jena and I are soul sisters. We both love to keep our classrooms filled with fun. Hop over and spy the amazing stuff she has been making on her 2-week break!

The Lesson Cloud
I recently started to contribute to this amazing blog. And believe me...I'm the tiny fish in this ocean of awesomeness. The administrators are total super stars! Hop on over and join the fun!

Education Journey
Ashleigh has a super cute blog! (I often wonder if she would notice if I copied her template exactly. LOL!) And she is a huge fan of math work stations. Hop on will love every ounce of the classroom creations she shares.

Oh' Boy Fourth Grade
Farley is hilarious! I love reading her posts. And I stalk her "Currently" linky party each month. Hop on over and subscribe to her blog so you don't miss the next par-tay!

Science Stuff
Amy is my online teacher hero. Seriously. She makes me dream of teaching science...which I'm not even certified to do. I'm thinking she would be fun to teach down the hall from. Hop on over to her blog and you'll understand what I'm saying!

Math Coach's Corner
Donna continues to post amazing elementary math goodness. And she recently started a grade level linky party. Hop on over and post your teacher blog too!

Runde's Room
I first started following Jen's blog because of her awesome journal prompts. And she also has some amazing foldables incorporated into her math notes. Hop on over and spy the cootie catcher she posted this week!
To The Square Inch
Kate has the most giving heart. Hop on over and check out her bank of science and math activities.
Middle School Math Rules
Sherrie makes me smile! She always has a kind word for everyone. Hop on over and spy her life in 7th grade math.
Pushing Through 6th Grade
Mrs. Piper recently posted some fabulous Pi Day activities. Be sure to hop on over and file away for next year!
Today was my first day of Spring Break! I slept until almost 8:30 am. Fun!
Tomorrow is my Emma's birthday. She has made a request or two. ;)
Hope you're having a fabulous weekend...make it count!