Day 21 Prompt: What is your biggest concern about the future of the classroom environment?
How do I give my students the firm foundation they need for future learning while preparing them for a totally different classroom environment and instructional style?
That is my biggest concern. It overwhelms me at times. Why?!? Partly because of my 10 years of experience teaching at our highly ranked local high school. Partly because I am the mom of a high school student. I know the differences. Knowledge is power, right? But teaching foundational math at the middle school/junior high level is critical in content...while my concern lies in the practical skills of being an independent learner. How do I teach students to respectfully advocate for themselves? How do I help students realize how they learn best and then passionately take a stand when those conditions aren't readily available?
My apologies if you were hoping for a Go Green message today. Instead I twisted the prompt to my classroom and spilled my deepest fear. It would be awesome if I could list a 3-step solution to remedy my concern. Truth? I'm at a complete loss on this one. I do know that success in overcoming this concern will require me to be intentional in my efforts. As always, I will certainly keep you posted.

This post is part of the BlogHer #NaBloPoMo challenge.
Hope you made this special day extraordinary...make it count!