Day 15 Prompt: As a superhero, would you rather have extreme strength or extreme speed?
Currently I'm teaching exponential functions to my Algebra 1 students. Extreme strength would get me through the unit successfully. However, extreme speed would spin into the world of quadratics. Oh my! That sounds absolutely dreamy at the moment. That being said, I probably shouldn't respond to this prompt in light of my circumstances. Instead I'll push myself to the bigger picture...
Well...considering that I wholeheartedly believe that teaching is my superpower...then I am automatically a superhero! Therefore, by the transitive property, this superhero has been asked to choose strength or speed. So in that case...I choose strength. Slow and steady wins the race, right?!? Strength would provide the endurance for me to face each new day as fully equipped as the day before. And the planner in me definitely needs a healthy batch of endurance. I'm not sure if you've put two and two together or not, but teaching is a profession that requires extreme planning; yet said plan is modified in the presentation so much that it is barely recognizable by the end of the day. And that, my friend, requires an even more significant batch of patience!
Currently I'm teaching exponential functions to my Algebra 1 students. Extreme strength would get me through the unit successfully. However, extreme speed would spin into the world of quadratics. Oh my! That sounds absolutely dreamy at the moment. That being said, I probably shouldn't respond to this prompt in light of my circumstances. Instead I'll push myself to the bigger picture...
Well...considering that I wholeheartedly believe that teaching is my superpower...then I am automatically a superhero! Therefore, by the transitive property, this superhero has been asked to choose strength or speed. So in that case...I choose strength. Slow and steady wins the race, right?!? Strength would provide the endurance for me to face each new day as fully equipped as the day before. And the planner in me definitely needs a healthy batch of endurance. I'm not sure if you've put two and two together or not, but teaching is a profession that requires extreme planning; yet said plan is modified in the presentation so much that it is barely recognizable by the end of the day. And that, my friend, requires an even more significant batch of patience!
...being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience. Colossians 1.11

This post is part of the BlogHer #NaBloPoMo challenge.
Hope your week is off to a great start...make it count!