And guess what else makes this a super Sunday?!? We're scheduled for snow tonight and tomorrow...and obviously hoping that translates to "snow day" for at least one of those days. Good gracious...we've had a winter weather advisory posted for this front since Thursday.

Our school has been planning a white out for tomorrow regardless of the real weather forecast. We play our across town rival in basketball tomorrow night. They're mascot is the leopards. And didn't you know that leopards can't survive in snow? That's why we've been working towards a white out for tomorrow for weeks! The halls are decked out in snowflakes. Students and faculty will be wearing white tomorrow. And our pep assembly will have some fun snow games to et the spirit raised! Go Wildcats!
But I would hate to ruin our chances of a real snow day by not being ready for tomorrow. So I spent a couple of hours at school this evening going through the stash my sub left me from Thursday and Friday. I also reset my MATHercise tubs...we have a fun mental math game this week. Oh...and...I have an intern who starts her final rotation with me tomorrow. So I also rearranged my teacher desk corner a bit so I could add a space for her to call home. The only thing I need to finish is highlighting correctives so I can hold student conferences during our MATHercise time in the morning. I better log off of here and get that final detail done...let it snow!
Hope you have a fabulous week...make it count!