We love March at our house...Emma's birthday and Spring Break and sometimes Easter. And this year our district added two extra days of professional development prior to Spring Break. My girls are ecstatic two extra days. I think they are just trying to make me jealous! :)
Well...it's that time again! Hop over to Farley's blog and join the "Currently" linky party. Big fun! And I simply cannot wait to read your three words. Each word has to start with the first letter of your last name and describe you from the perspective of your students, friends, and family. Let me konw if you struggle with your letter as much as I did with my "T" options!
It's been a fun week over at TpT. My algebra vocabulary freebie was featured in the "10 Free Downloads" newsletter on Sunday and several new friends have downloaded my creation. I'm honored to share in someone else's teaching journey. If you haven't subscribed to the weekly newsletter, click here to add weekly treasures to your inbox (scroll to the bottom of the screen to find the "newsletter signup" box).
Hope you are off to a great start to your week...make it count!