The beach was wonderful! I quickly converted to a complete and total beach bum. Reading. Sleeping. And eating lots of hot boiled shrimp! :)

My week at the ADE was valuable professional development. I'm so thankful for the invite! Nearly 1000 algebra items were reviewed and sent to the edit stage.
Currently...I'm in my first week of STEM professional development at its finest. UAEMP. University of Arkansas Engineering and Math Partnership. The engineering professors are leading us through the changes to our curriculum that are forthcoming with the implementation of Common Core. Today's focus was changing how we teach. We're building projects that align to Understanding by Design.

Meanwhile...I have been investigating Evernote via Nicholas Provenzano @thenerdyteacher in some recent blog posts about his Epic Evernote Experiment and an IPEVO document camera. I plan to help my students organize their algebra notes and sample work in a stack of notebooks in Evernote. And I will be able to model key elements through a shared notebook in my premium Evernote account. My next investigation is Weebly for Education to create a private set of websites/blogs for my classes. Any suggestions? I would love to hear your review on Weebly websites.
I refuse to look at my calendar, but I feel my final summer days passing quickly. And that can only mean one thing...time for a serious "to do" list. tell...what's at the top of your school list?!?
Have a great week...make it count!