I'm linking up with Farley for her monthly "Currently" blog post.

Hop on over and join the fun! Here's my Currently January:
Let me explain my OLW selection. So...I follow some amazing educators on Twitter. If you haven't hopped on that social media bandwagon, stop reading this post and setup an account immediately. Twitter provides free professional development in 140 characters or less. And I consistently stalk some amazing Twitter chats (#21stedchat #mschat #satchat #edchat #ntchat just to name a few!). But one particular hashtag gained my attention recently. #NaBloPoMo

I followed a post to Blog Her written by Melissa Ford and read about a challenge to blog daily for the month of January. The theme is energy and daily prompts are available. I plan to use the prompts but still connect each post to my classroom. You can join me...deadline for this month is January 5!
Day 1 Prompt: From where do you draw your energy?
Teachers make an exhausting number of decisions each and every day. Without a reliable energy source, the job itself could quickly become overwhelming.
The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him. Psalm 28.7
I encourage each of you to take care of YOU in 2013. Be sure you are drawing near to your energy source so that you can serve your students well.
Enjoy your break...make it count!