Day 24 Prompt: What is your favorite thing to do when you lose energy in your home and can't use electronics?
My family loves to play games! Word games. Card games. Board games. I can't think of a game we refuse! And our game of choice lately is the Dutch Blitz card game.
This is a card game that I started playing as a little girl. It's fast-paced game where energy abounds. We get a little loud. And laugh hysterically. But we still meet the objective of the BLITZ! my classroom?!? It's ironic that this prompt is posted on the day I'm attending my 21st Century classroom training. Since I will be out of the classroom today, my students will not have access to our classroom laptops. Something tells me the clock will move much slower today. Usually I leave math games for my students to play; however, today my students will be collaborating in their teams to compare linear and exponential functions.
What do your students do during the absence of technology? What type of plans do you leave for a substitute? With or without technology?

This post is part of the BlogHer #NaBloPoMo challenge.
Happy Friday Eve to YOU...make it count!