This is my sweet girl spending her 10 minutes in the snow...isn't she adorable?!? Yep. Even with all of those double layers (make note of the hats!) she tires of the cold as quickly as her mom. LOL!

We had a great day! We slept late and stayed in our jammies all day! We baked our traditional snow day pot of chili. The girls and I played games all afternoon. I worked on a geometry lesson for a little bit this morning. I missed two classes of geometry last week. And unfortunately we don't have a moment to I'm trying to guess where they landed without me. I'm working on a series of review slides to help me determine our next step. Here's the review slide of vocabulary...

I'll let you know how that shakes out tomorrow...that is IF by some amazing grace I survive the white that was rescheduled from today to tomorrow. ;)
Wishing you the joy of a 4-day week...make it count!