One of the sweetest ladies I know is in the midst of a storm. Janet is our youth pastor's assistant at FBC Bentonville. During a routine outpatient gall bladder surgery, Janet's doctor discovered that her intestines were adhered to the abdominal wall. The doctor also spied a cyst on one ovary and an overall abnormal look to that ovary. Needless to say the doctor was unable to reach her gall bladder. Additional tests have been run and Janet (along with her family) are awaiting results. They expect a phone call tomorrow that confirms ovarian cancer. I would love for you to add Janet to your prayer list. And please feel welcome to follow her story on Jenna's blog (her daughter-in-law).
And though my heart is heavy for this amazing family, life continues in the midst of this storm. I've been working on lesson plans this afternoon. We will finish our unit on geometric properties tomorrow and begin our testing cycle on Tuesday. I'll be back soon to share pics of our graphic organizers. And this is my new favorite activity for review day...
And though my heart is heavy for this amazing family, life continues in the midst of this storm. I've been working on lesson plans this afternoon. We will finish our unit on geometric properties tomorrow and begin our testing cycle on Tuesday. I'll be back soon to share pics of our graphic organizers. And this is my new favorite activity for review day...
Students mix and pair to give one problem and get one problem. When students finish filling their page, they come to me to check for accuracy and receive their unit study guide. Hop on over to my TpT store to download a free copy of this activity.
Have a great week...and make it count!

Prayers for Janet in NY!
To The Square Inch
Thank YOU! Janet received her port today and will start chemotherapy in one week. We appreciate your prayers. ;)